A passion for play.

As kids we were avid fort builders, backyard campers, magic enthusiasts, and amusement park thrill seekers. As adults, not much has changed. We are completely obsessed with fun. In our professional lives, we’ve found ways to collaborate on film sets, in making video game trailers, and we once fabricated a life-size X Wing pretty much for the hell of it. 

As a group, we’ve been interested in immersive and experiential entertainment for over 15 years. We want to enable others (you) to play pretend. We want to give you permission to let go. Remember when you were a kid playing make-believe? You could entertain yourself for hours pretending to be a firefighter or a dog or a doctor. It’s built into our DNA to be playful. It’s our instinct. We want you to return to that place - to help you suspend your adult incredulity and immerse you in another world. 

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